
What we can do for you.

Codehop has many years of experience in full stack development and specialises in mobile, cloud and web service development.

We offer services to people and organisations from a variety of backgrounds, from individuals to small businesses and corporations.

We work with you to understand how web and app technologies can meet your needs. That might be building new services to drive efficiency or developing a product to break new ground, no matter the scope we’ve got you covered.

Many of our clients are organisations who specialise in web development that require an element of mobile development but don’t have the knowledge and expertise on hand.

We have built applications and web services from social networks, to educational games, to warehouse asset management and claims management solutions and that’s just to name a few. To put it simply, if you can think of it, then we can build it.

Having developed applications in B2B and B2C scenarios, there is rarely a problem we haven’t solved already and when there is, we take pride in delivering market leading solutions.

Using continuous delivery, continuous integration, UX design and cloud technologies, we deliver visually pleasing software of the highest quality that scales with your business.